
Trace: website_explanation

How to use the website

When you login with your account to the website you will see a list of all your experiments. At the top will be the experiments that are still running. You can stop an experiment by clicking on the square icon. Once an experiment is stopped you can download or delete the experiment. When you download the experiment you will receive a zip fill with pcap files. The pcap files are all 15 minutes of data.

You can get details of an experiment by clicking on the experiment name. Here you will see which devices where or are connected to the experiment. If your experiment is still running you can see if they are connected or not. You will also see if there are unknown or extra devices connected to your network. If this is the case please contact the lab managers.

With the button at the top you can start an new experiment, when doing so you will see a form where you can setup your experiment.

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